Monday, December 15, 2008

Wounded Knee, South Dakota (1890)

In December 2001 American troops had surrounded their enemy - Osama bin Laden in the Tora Bora Mountains and Mullah Omar in Khandahar, Afghanistan. While Bush was assuring the American people that bin Laden would be caught, I woke from a vivid dream which clearly showed that bin Laden and Mullah Omar would not be caught until the American President officially apologized for acts of terrorism against Native Americans. The dream also revealed something about America's guilt against women. I wrote the White House and asked the president to offer a confession similar to Abraham Lincoln's presidential apology/confession for America's role in slavery. I received an automated response from the White House. To date the president still has not officially apologized for terrorism from our people inflicted on others.

Last night I watched the movie "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee". I wept. This was my review to Netflix.

I am a descendant of the American Christians who elected the government that betrayed Native Americans. The visual portrayal of animalistic behavior propagated by my people against another made me sick. I cried because of atrocities my nation brought on another - to their lives, to their culture, to their lands, and to their souls. I believe the God of mercy and the God of justice are one as depicted by the holy book passed on to us from ancient tribals. The movie moved me: if God is just and/or if we are human shouldn’t our government officially apologize for acts of terrorism against Native Americans. If I can personally ask Native Americans to forgive us, I will… I do. Please forgive us for acts of terrorism committed against you. May the Creator not require from us the blood we have taken from you.

I need to watch this again. I need to feel it. I think every “White” American, everyone who references the Bible, every South Dakotan, everyone in the U.S. military, and every governmental official should watch what our people did at Wounded Knee.

I am not worthy to write to or for Kyrgyz, who are genetically close to Native Americans and have suffered like Native Americans. I stand before you and write as a descendant of those who elected a government that, like the Tsars, slaughtered your cousins. I cannot assume my hands are clean. I ask this generation of Kyrgyz to forgive me for what my people have done to your cousins. I humbly write to the nation in obedience to a voice, a call, which I believe came from God.

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